My slightly tilted perspective. Facts, opinions, junk, whatever.
Life viewed from my hazel, astigmatized (is that a word?) eyes.


I know, I know,

Doctor shows have a totally and completely cliché aura about them, and cliché is not my forte, nor do I ever want it to be; however, I must make an exception when it comes to Grey's Anatomy. Now I know what you're thinking: "Grey's Anatomy?? Come on! We were over that show back in 2006! Seriously!"
But here's the thing. It's really a good show. Yeah. I know. It's all about sex and drugs and lies and cheats and etc., which is extremely, to get back to my wordoftheday, cliché for a primetime telly show. Nevertheless, at heart, it really has some amazing writers, actors, and whoeverelses behind it. The story's quite brilliant and the character development is some of the best I've ever seen. So the next time that familiar Grey's-Anatomy-labeled theme song pops out of your surround sound, uberexpensive speakers in your comfortablecozy living room, don't moan, whine, and change the channel. Sit around for a while. Try and actually watch it without prejudice, for my sake, its sake, and your sake.

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