My slightly tilted perspective. Facts, opinions, junk, whatever.
Life viewed from my hazel, astigmatized (is that a word?) eyes.


Holy Fail Buckets!

For my drivers ed class you drive with the instructor twice. The first time you just drive around and practice. The second is the same, but following the drivingandpracticing is the actual driving test. The real deal. So I did my drivingandpracticing...not well.. but I did it. And here's the funny thing. I sucked SO much that he wouldn't even let me take the test. When I asked him if I was doing terribly, he just laughed. Meaning of course that he couldn't even say "No! You're doing fine!" in that fakey voice. When I got done with the practice part, he said "Well, clearly you're not ready to take the test." He then proceeded to explain to me how I could reschedule another the test once I'd gotten to be a better driver. Is it just me, or is that worse than failing? My father tells me that it wasn't failing at all because I didn't take the test. But I think it is. Because it really means that I wasn't even good enough to try and then fail.
*Sigh* Afterwards I worked on the tech crew for this play the local theater is doing, which helped with my stress levels quite a large amount. Ahh tech crew. Not sure what I'd do without you.

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